Shabs Beigh: Abstracts

The majority of my abstract artworks are inspired by the intense movements of waves. I paint without a plan — in the same way that water moves freely and without restraint, I attack the canvas with free strokes. I am obsessed with water. I love the force with which it crashes against the rocks.
I aim to capture the essence of the sea, without painting its true likeness. Waves never stop moving, and I paint with the same freedom. When I see the juxtaposition of teal, turquoise and blue it makes me wish I was back there breathing in the fresh sea air. Looking at these artworks reminds me of the sound of the waves as they crash against the cliffs.
Painting the water will be a lifelong obsession of mine and I plan to continue adding to this series. I visit the seaside every year with my family, exploring new coastlines and seascapes. Each trip inspires a new artwork, and as this is something we will be doing for a very long time, there will be many more additions.
#AbstractArt #AbstractPaintings #ArtBlog #WallArt #ModernArt #ModernWallart #Artist #Water #Waves #AbstractWater #BlueAbstract #Painting #ArtNearMe